楼主的英文水平实在捉鸡,看似一大堆深奥的,到处语法错误和chinese english
①:“and that English is very good”,语法错误,你可以说“and his English is ve good”,或者由于前面有“with”,可以直接改成“and good English”
②:战书英文应为letter of challenge, 而不是楼主写的"war book" 和 "battle report"
③:“ I wonder if the childe is afraid?”,这什么狗屁语法,楼主你学过“afraid”的用法么?还有child拼错了。正确写法“I wonder if the child is scared?”
④: “the beauty moderator”,beauty是名词不是形容词谢谢
⑤:“I hope the little anti-fan don’t deny and escape”,这里不该用don't,改用“won't”会比较好,deny是及物动词后面没了宾语。
⑥:“shameless past experience”,past就有过往,往事的意思,你还past experience?